Boutique Associate Deprived of Bonus Comes Out Ahead, Thanks to Judge's Award

In recognition of the bonus-anticipation-mania currently roiling "biglaw" associates in New York and elsewhere, here's a happy little bonus story to tide you over:

New London, Conn., personal-injury lawyer Robert I. Reardon has won millions persuading juries that he and his clients are people to believe in.

But when Reardon tried to convince Waterbury Superior Court Judge Dennis G. Eveleigh that Reardon's former associate Angelo A. Ziotas was fired for poor performance, the judge just wouldn't buy it.

Instead, Eveleigh chose to believe Ziotas' version -- that Reardon was annoyed at him because of favorable publicity Ziotas received after a 1998 court case. Ruling last month, the judge decided Reardon wrongfully withheld a year-end bonus of $50,000 after Ziotas quit in October 1998 for an associate's job at Stamford, Conn.'s Wofsey, Rosen, Kweskin & Kuriansky. As a bonus on top of the bonus, Eveleigh added another $44,860 in prejudgment interest, for a total award of $94,860.

Details here from the Connecticut Law Tribune via