Texas Prosecutor Kills Self as Police Try to Serve Sex Offense Warrant

A prosecutor killed himself as police tried to serve him with an arrest warrant alleging he solicited sex with a minor, authorities in Terrell, Texas, said.

Louis "Bill" Conradt Jr., 56, a chief felony assistant district attorney in Texas, died Sunday. Police had moved to arrest Conradt following a sting operation aimed at exposing child sex predators set up by a television news program.

Police forced their way into Conradt's Terrell home after hearing a gunshot when he refused to answer the door, a police spokesman said. The officers found Conradt with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He later died at a hospital in Dallas, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of his home in Terrell.

Police in the town of Murphy said Conradt had solicited sex from a decoy posing online as a 13-year-old. Murphy police were attempting to serve an arrest warrant and a search warrant for Conradt's computer when he shot himself, Murphy Police spokesman Sgt. Snow Robertson said.

Details here from the AP via Law.com.