School Oil-Rig Lawsuits Dismissed

A judge on Wednesday dismissed 12 lawsuits in a headline-making case brought by Erin Brockovich-Ellis' law firm against Beverly Hills and its school district, alleging that an oil well at Beverly Hills High School caused cancers in former students.

Without explaining his decision, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Wendell Mortimer Jr. granted the request of Beverly Hills and other defendants to dismiss the lawsuits, saying he would issue a more detailed ruling within 25 days.

The case, which had been set to go to trial next month, broke in 2003 and quickly generated intense controversy. Beverly Hills takes great pride in its high school; alumni include actors Nicolas Cage, Alicia Silverstone and Richard Dreyfuss.

Detractors accused Brockovich-Ellis and other plaintiffs' attorneys of using junk science. Brockovich-Ellis became known for her role in forcing a $333-million settlement by Pacific Gas & Electric for polluting the waters of Hinkley, Calif., near Barstow — an episode recounted in "Erin Brockovich," a 2000 film for which Julia Roberts won a best actress Oscar in the title role.

The plaintiffs said they would appeal.

Details here from the Los Angeles Times.