DALLAS (CN) – A pre-school teacher has sued First Baptist Church of Dallas for discrimination, claiming that after she became pregnant she was suspended, harassed and ordered to sign a form promising not to have sex again until she was married. She claims that after she had taught for five years at the church school, when her bosses found out she was pregnant they subjected her to invasive and illegal grilling, including, “Were you a virgin when you had sex with the child’s father?” and “Will you continue to have sex after the child is born?” She says her bosses told her “that she was not living a Christian lifestyle … (and) that she would have to sign a clause (agreeing to) live a Christian lifestyle to remain employed by First Baptist. They asked (the plaintiff) to specifically agree to no longer have sex until she was married.” Represented by Nellie Hooper of Addison, Texas, she seeks punitive damages for retaliation, sex discrimination and intrusion.
View plaintiff Freda Brown's complaint. (via Courthouse News Service.)