BRISTOW [Okla.] –– A former court reporter took the stand this morning and testified she witnessed former Creek County District Judge Donald Thompson use a sexual device during criminal trials.
Thompson’s preliminary hearing got under way today with Lisa Foster’s testimony that she heard a “sh-sh” sound during criminal trials between September 2000 and the spring of 2001. Foster testified she thought the sound was coming from an air vent in the courtroom but said she looked through the side of Thompson’s courtroom bench and saw the judge exposed and using a sexual device on himself.
Foster said she was scared by what she saw and told her friend Theresa Clee, who was expected to testify later today. Foster said she witnessed the judge use two different penis pumps in 2000 and 2001.
Foster said in March 2001 she took several Polaroid pictures of the device to show her husband. “I wanted people to know that I was not crazy,” she said.
Details here from the Sapulpa Daily Herald. My earlier posts about our favorite penis-pumping judge can be accessed here.