Court TV's New King of Bling

LAS VEGAS It's a Friday, and Bucky Buchanan, dressed in a blue pinstriped suit and $5,000 pointy-toed alligator skin boots -- "kill most of my animal boots myself," he wants you to know -- is about two hours late to court. Still, he strolls.

He throws open the door to the courtroom of a judge whom he openly refers to as "The Princess." Judge Nancy Oesterle shakes her head at the sight of him. "You're killing me today," she says. Still, a smile sneaks across her lips.

This is the lucky Las Vegas world of James "Bucky" Buchanan -- Naval Academy graduate, former government weapon engineer and now high-powered criminal defense attorney leading the sort of lifestyle that includes Arabian horses in his backyard, a mahogany-paneled Bentley sedan and parties with "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" TV host Robin Leach. Even in this flashy town, Bucky Buchanan stands out.

Perhaps it was inevitable that he would one day have his own reality show. On Jan. 31, the spotlight on him will turn brighter with the debut of "Las Vegas Law," a Court TV program featuring Buchanan as its star.

"There's never been a show like this before. It deals with every part of the law," he says. "Plus there are the little things I do in Las Vegas. How shall I put this? I'm a party animal."

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