OAKMONT, Pa. (AP) -- Allegheny County police don't deny that Charles Arrotti knows a lot about the law. But they say that doesn't make him a lawyer -- and that made it a crime when Arrotti argued 14 cases before local district judges.
Investigators say the 56-year-old Arrotti even bragged to some folks that he worked on the Robert Blake murder trial.
Arrotti served five months in jail after pleading guilty in 1993 to impersonating an attorney. He was found out again when county Detective J. Todd Moses, who investigated the Arrotti case way back then, recognized Arrotti in a district court room in March.
Arrotti has an unlisted phone and couldn't immediately be reached for comment today.
He is charged with 14 counts of unauthorized practice of law, theft by deception and theft of services.
Details here from the AP via the New York Times.