No one knows for sure who Pamela Jones is: where she's worked, where she lives, what she looks like or why she's so obsessed with a lawsuit by the SCO Group Inc. against IBM Corp.
But that doesn't stop lawyers embroiled in the breach of contract and trade secret violations case from being mesmerized by her Web site,
Jones, who identifies herself only as a journalist with a paralegal background, is the definitive source for information on the SCO litigation.
"I challenge my colleagues in the bar to find a case that is watched at this level of detail," said Morrison & Foerster partner Michael Jacobs, who is representing Novell Corp. in related litigation.
Jones, who responds to questions from the media only by e-mail, said that when she launched Groklaw she wanted to focus on one case and picked SCO because of its interest to the free software and open source community. She believes SCO's suit is an attack on free software.
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