In the midst of a hearing in Allen [IN] Superior Court, 40-year-old Bradford Zeigler re-enacted the crime he is accused of committing this year. He stripped – twice. Baring all for the judge, several attorneys and others in the courtroom delayed proceedings the first time but halted it altogether the second time.
Zeigler appeared in court Wednesday with several other inmates. He was supposed to be pleading guilty to a felony charge of public nudity stemming from an arrest in May after an officer spotted him walking naked through Foster Park.
Zeigler sat quietly in the jury box with several other inmates waiting to admit guilt in various crimes. His hands were cuffed in front of him and he wore the county jail’s standard outfit – an orange jumpsuit. He waited to disrobe until after the hearing began and he was sitting at the defense table next to his attorney.
The first time a bailiff redressed him, but a few minutes later Zeigler disrobed again, prompting Senior Allen Superior Court Judge Bruce Embrey to halt the hearing.
Details here from the Fort Wayne, IN Journal Gazette. (via The Obscure Store)