Judge Grants Injunction Against Provider of Bogus Spyware Removal Tool

The Federal Trade Commission won an injunction against a Houston, Texas-based company for making false claims of removing spyware from consumers' computers. A judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas granted the injunction against Trustsoft and the company's principal Danilo Ladendorf to stop the company from using deceptive marketing and illegal unsolicited electronic mail to get consumers to pay for a program that in fact removed legitimate programs such as word processors and antivirus software.

The FTC alleged Trustsoft aggressively and deceptively marketed its SpyKiller application using the Web sites of affiliates, banner and pop-up ads and spam in order to capitalize on legitimate consumer concerns about spyware and induce consumers to download the anti-spyware product.

Good. I hope they bankrupt, if not jail, Mr. Ladendorf. Details here from Government Technology.