SAN ANTONIO (CN) � The parent of a Little Leaguer has sued First Colony Little League, a manager, a coach and another man for assault, conspiracy and defamation in Federal Court, alleging that while he was asleep at the Rodeway Inn, they had a woman enter his room, remove her blouse and lie in bed with him, then snapped pictures. Plaintiff Richard Dahlman, whose son was to play in a Little League All-Star game next day, claims defendants Lance Stifflemire, Michael Decell and Perry Blankenship Jr. exposed him to danger, caused him to be assaulted by the seminude woman, defamed him and invaded his privacy. They allegedly made fun of him by calling him �The Senator,� an allusion to a character in �The Godfather� who is subjected to similar treatment. The lawsuit does not state what purpose, if any, the defendants had in mind.
From Courthouse News Service (which unfortunately does not provide specific links to its individual stories).