I originally posted this here two years ago, on June 28, 2003. I repost it here again today:
Tomorrow [Sunday June 26] is the annual Gay Pride Parade down Market Street in my home town, San Francisco. I moved here nine years ago to attend law school. That June, my then-girlfriend and I went to see the Parade for the first time.
I think we were hoping to see outrageous behaviour from people dressed in leather and various acts of public indecency, just for the thrill factor. What we saw instead warmed my heart.
For example, I saw a large contingent of gay San Francisco Police officers -- men and women -- marching proudly down Market Street, in uniform, some riding in official police vehicles with lights flashing and sirens wailing to excite the crowd. Better yet, I saw tens of thousands of San Franciscans leap to their feet to loudly cheer their gay policemen and policewomen. In fact, the official, uniformed folk - police and firefighters, etc. - got some of the most animated applause of the day.
Just forty short years ago, the police were beating the crap out of people for being gay at Stonewall. Today, gay policemen (and women) are cheered in the streets by the general public, gay and straight alike. That's progress, as the Supreme Court finally saw this week in Lawrence v. Texas.
It's a big week for Gay Pride. I hope (and fully expect) that Sunday will be one hell of a party. Congratulations!!!
Since I wrote that, there's been much more progress. In Massachusetts. In San Francisco. In the Superior Court of the State of California, and elsewhere. Let's hope it continues, as it inevitably will. Cheers! And congratulations, again.