PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) � Opponents of same-sex marriage are calling on Multnomah County to reimburse their legal fees. To win its lawsuit last month, the Defense of Marriage Coalition spent a total of $399,023.25, according to official records.
In a petition filed Thursday with the Oregon Supreme Court, the anti-gay marriage coalition claims its four experienced attorneys billed 2,477.68 hours during a yearlong legal battle over Multnomah County's March 2004 decision to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
"This is a reasonable amount given the difficulties on this case, the experience of the litigation team, and the successful outcome," Kelly Clark, the lead attorney in the case, wrote in the petition.
The Oregon Supreme Court in April ruled that Multnomah County had no authority to issue licenses against state law, which allows only heterosexual marriage.
Details here from the AP via OregonLive.com.