Just when you thought you were free from right wing evangelical demagogues like John Ashcroft, Alabama's "Judge" Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore, and mega-hypocrite Tom "Fly Me" DeLay, here I am, popping up on your radar screen.
Who am I? I'm Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, "the Republican chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting." I'm "aggressively pressing public television to correct what [I] and other conservatives consider liberal bias . . ." on PBS. (NY Times Page 1.)
I have already secretly investigated Bill Moyers. Are you willing to bend over while I "secretly investigate" your viewing habits? I'll bet you watch "This Old House" with the blinds drawn, you sick commie bastard!
Last November, members of the Association of Public Television Stations met in Baltimore along with officials from the corporation and PBS. Mr. Tomlinson told them they should make sure their programming better reflected the Republican mandate.
Mr. Tomlinson said that his comment was in jest and that he couldn't imagine how remarks at "a fun occasion" were taken the wrong way. Others, though, were not amused.
"I was in that room," said Ms. Mitchell. "I was surprised by the comment. I thought it was inappropriate."
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Details here from the New York Times.