Personal: Born April 1, 1950, in Trenton, N.J., to the former Rose Fradusco and Samuel Alito Sr., an Italian immigrant who headed New Jersey's Office of Legislative Services.
- Married since 1985 to the former Martha-Ann Bomgardner, a former law librarian. Two children, Philip Samuel and Laura Claire. The family lives in West Caldwell, N.J.
Education: Princeton, B.A., 1972; Yale Law School, 1975. Phi Beta Kappa, editor of the Yale Law Review.
Professional: Judge, 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 1990-present; U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey, 1987-1990; deputy U.S. attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel, 1985-87; assistant to the U.S. solicitor general, 1981-85; assistant U.S. attorney, 1977-81, Newark, N.J.; law clerk to Judge Leonard Garth of the 3rd Circuit, 1976-77.
The above (minus the picture) is from Scripps Howard News Service.
Other fun facts about Judge Alito:
He argued twelve cases before the Supreme Court as an assistant solicitor general "winning eight, losing two, splitting on two," and argued dozens more before other appellate courts before becoming a judge.
If confirmed, Alito would have "more prior judicial experience than any Supreme Court nominee in more than 70 years." That consists of his fifteen years on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
"As U.S. attorney for New Jersey, Alito prosecuted a variety of cases on organized crime, corporate malfeasance and drugs, losing a sensational mob trial and winning a conviction against a terrorist who planned to bomb a Navy recruiting center."
"If confirmed, Alito would be the fifth Catholic justice on the Supreme Court, joining Chief Justice John Roberts and associate justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Anthony Kennedy."
"Alito has a record of steady conservatism, reputation for civility."
"Court Nominee Alito Holdings Top $615,000."
And the AP now has this (largely duplicative) "Bio Box":
NAME - Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
AGE-BIRTH DATE - 55; April 1, 1950 in Trenton, N.J.
EDUCATION - AB, Princeton, 1972; JD, Yale, 1975
EXPERIENCE - Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 1990-present; U.S. attorney for the district of New Jersey, 1987-1990; deputy assistant to the U.S. attorney general, 1985-1987; assistant to the U.S. solicitor general, 1981-1985; served in the Army Reserves from 1972 until 1980 when he was discharged as a captain.
FAMILY - Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Bomgardner, live in West Caldwell, N.J. They have two children, a college-age son, Philip, and a younger daughter, Laura. His late father, Samuel Alito Sr., was the director of New Jersey's Office of Legislative Services from 1952 to 1984. Alito's sister, Rosemary, is a top employment lawyer in New Jersey.
UPDATE: U.S. News has a short bio from back in July 2005.
UPDATE 2: Who is Samuel Alito? A profile of the Supreme Court nominee, from the Christian Science Monitor.
UPDATE 3: 3RD NOMINEE IS 3RD CIRCUIT JUDGE -- Bush Emphasizes Alito’s Experience on the Bench and Conservative Philosophy, from the ABA Journal.
UPDATE 4: Judicial Experience, Conservative Credentials Seen as Factors in Alito Nomination from Law.com