(AP) - NEW YORK-American Express has sued the top official of a communications company for payment of $241,000 worth of disputed credit card charges at a Manhattan topless club. American Express says in papers filed in a court in Manhattan that Savvis Inc. chief executive officer Robert A. McCormick was in the strip club Scores in October, 2003 with at least three other men.
After McCormick got the $241,000 corporate credit card bill, Savvis called American Express and complained that some of the charges were fraudulent, the lawsuit says. The communications company said its chief disputed all but about $20,000, according to the lawsuit.
Deena Williamson, Savvis's deputy general counsel, said, "We firmly believe that Mr. McCormick was the victim of fraud." She declined to comment further. . . .
[H]owever, [Lonnie] Hanover [a Scores spokesman] said after a similar lawsuit last year that "high rollers" visiting "our super elite Presidents' Club" spend thousands of dollars on single bottles of champagne and tip strippers as much as $10,000 for lap dances and for spending time with them.
I don't think my employer would be happy if I tried to bill it for any expenses from a strip club, let alone $241,000 worth. Details here from the AP via Findlaw.com.