This from the current Newsweek:
Jan. 8 - What to do about the deepening quagmire of Iraq? The Pentagon�s latest approach is being called "the Salvador option"�and the fact that it is being discussed at all is a measure of just how worried Donald Rumsfeld really is. "What everyone agrees is that we can�t just go on as we are," one senior military officer told NEWSWEEK. "We have to find a way to take the offensive against the insurgents. Right now, we are playing defense. And we are losing." Last November�s operation in Fallujah, most analysts agree, succeeded less in breaking "the back" of the insurgency�as Marine Gen. John Sattler optimistically declared at the time�than in spreading it out.
Now, NEWSWEEK has learned, the Pentagon is intensively debating an option that dates back to a still-secret strategy in the Reagan administration�s battle against the leftist guerrilla insurgency in El Salvador in the early 1980s. Then, faced with a losing war against Salvadoran rebels, the U.S. government funded or supported "nationalist" forces that allegedly included so-called death squads directed to hunt down and kill rebel leaders and sympathizers. Eventually the insurgency was quelled, and many U.S. conservatives consider the policy to have been a success�despite the deaths of innocent civilians and the subsequent Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages scandal. (Among the current administration officials who dealt with Central America back then is John Negroponte, who is today the U.S. ambassador to Iraq. Under Reagan, he was ambassador to Honduras.)
Sounds like idyllic, Jeffersonian democracy is spontaneously bursting out all through Iraq, just like the Bush administration's insane ideologues promised it would when they started this unnecessary war nearly two years ago. Details here. Cheers!