Ohio Supreme Court Disbars Attorney

I know disbarment cases are a dime a dozen, but this one has pretty "impressive" facts:

Ohio's Supreme Court unanimously agreed Wednesday to disbar Cincinnati attorney Lisa Avirov Stemper for what it called "a 17-year campaign of misconduct."

Stemper, a graduate of the law school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, practiced as a lawyer for at least six years after her law license was suspended, even convincing a Tri-County law firm to hire her. Stemper also forged the signatures of two clients on legal documents, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled.

In a federal court case, Stemper "illegally, dishonestly" lied to another lawyer, saying Stemper's two clients agreed to pay a $7,000 bill and then she forged her clients' signatures confirming the clients' liability for that money.

Her law license is permanently revoked for the latest misdeeds, but she has had a long line of infractions that began with "relatively minor administrative reporting infractions and leading up to deceit, forgery and practicing law without a license for years in defiance of our order," Supreme Court justices wrote in Wednesday's decision.

Seventeen years? Details here from The Cincinnati Post, or read the Court's opinion here.