Giggling Drunk Lawyer Delays Hearing

HONG KONG (AP) -- A visibly drunk prosecutor who was giggling uncontrollably prompted a halt in a sentence hearing and later posed for journalists outside the courthouse as Auguste Rodin's sculpture ``The Thinker,'' newspaper reported Tuesday.

A judge was forced to call a two-minute recess after Roderick Murray, a government prosecutor, put on sunglasses, giggled, clapped his hands and drummed his fingers on the desk during the session at Hong Kong's District Court on Monday, the South China Morning Post and the tabloid The Standard reported.

Judge Chua Fi-lan then sought help from a defense lawyer to ``assist'' Murray in controlling himself, The Standard said.

Murray, who witnesses said smelled strongly of alcohol as he staggered into court, later admitted to reporters that he had consumed two dry martinis and a number of beers before attending the hearing, the Post said.

Details here from the AP via The New York Times.