Lawyer's Joke Earns Reprimand from Court

Jim Carpenter insists it was just a practical joke.

Three years ago, the Grant County lawyer impersonated a former classmate who is now a coach and counselor at a local high school and posted the following message on an Internet bulletin board.

"Hey all! How is it going. I am married to an incredibly beautiful woman, AND I get to hang out with high school chicks all day (and some evenings too). I have even been lucky with a few. It just doesn't get better than this."

The former classmate didn't laugh -- especially when school officials launched an investigation that could have ended his career.

[L]ast week, the Oregon Supreme Court publicly reprimanded Carpenter, whose practice includes criminal defense work, divorce, civil litigation and probate.

Details here from The Oregonian, or read the Court's opinion here. (via How Appealing)