Judge Charged After Calling Unwed Mom 'Disgrace To Society'

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judicial panel has charged an Orange County judge with chastising a deputy sheriff who had a child out of wedlock, saying she was a "disgrace to society," "had no morals," and her child was "a bastard."

Judge Alan C. Todd, a judge for 14 years, was charged with making a series of "rude, intemperate and demeaning comments," according to the six-page notice released Wednesday by the state Judicial Qualifications Commission.

After discovering in January that Orange County Deputy Sheriff Mindy Hood was an unwed mother, Todd told her "it is acceptable for a male to have sex before marriage, but if a female does so, she is not respected and considered a tramp," according to the notice.

Apparently, it is still about 1920 in Orange County, FL. Details here from Local6.com.