Kindergarten is the time when 5- and 6-year-olds learn some important life skills, such as how to print their full names, how to share and take turns, and how to get along with others.
Lawyers practicing in Texas are way past kindergarten, but U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks of Austin said in a recent order that he feels like he is supervising kindergarten because lawyers involved in a civil suit in his court are acting like they never learned how to get along with others.
Sparks didn't send the lawyers back to kindergarten, but he did threaten to order the parties in Klein-Becker, LLC, et al. v. William Stanley, et al. to find new lawyers "if the lawyers in this case do not change, immediately, their manner of practice and start conducting themselves as competent to practice in the federal court."
Details, including the text of the Order, are here from Texas Lawyer via