A man jailed after he allegedly gunned down his son-in-law and then shot himself in the head should repay the nearly $150,000 McHenry County [IL] spent for his reconstructive surgery, county officials say.
In an unusual move, county officials filed a civil lawsuit against 73-year-old Adriaan J. Vlot seeking to recoup the medical bills they paid to repair the injuries the Texas man suffered in what authorities say was a botched suicide.
Vlot is accused of fatally shooting son-in-law Philip Goldstein Nov. 5 outside the 43-year-old man's Crystal Lake home. Immediately after the shooting, authorities said Vlot shot himself in the head with the .30-caliber, military-style carbine.
In April while Vlot was jailed, McHenry County paid $147,305.66 for reconstructive surgery doctors said he needed to repair facial damage that prevented him from talking and left him vulnerable to potentially fatal infections
Details here from the Chicago Sun-Times. (via The Obscure Store)