Ralph Howard Blakely

To the list of famous names like Gideon, Miranda, Katz, Terry, Furman, McClesky that have shaped the modern criminal justice system, we now add Blakely. . . . In all that will surely be written about the Blakely case and its aftermath, we perhaps ought not forget the man, Ralph Howard Blakely, behind the now famous case that bears his name. However, this article about Ralph Howard Blakely's latest doings suggests we might indeed want to forget him very soon.

The text and link above are from Professor Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy. In case Mr. Blakely's name is unfamiliar to you:

Blakely's name became known throughout the country last month when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the sentencing guidelines that put him in prison for 90 months -- almost twice as long as the 49-to-53 month range for second-degree kidnapping [of his daughter].

Now, he's facing $3 million bail on new charges that he offered $40,000 to have his wife and daughter killed. Details here from The Columbia Basin Herald. (via Sentencing Law and Policy)