Lloyd's Launches $30M Fight

This article might also have been titled "Insurance Coverage Goat F**k." If you're at all interested in insurance law, read on -- this one's a doozie. (If not, prehaps you'd prefer a spin on Defamer, Gawker, or Page Six instead.)

Lloyd's of London filed suit Thursday in Florida against the law firms Carlton Fields and Cozen O'Connor, seeking to recover a previously undisclosed $30 million settlement the insurance giant paid in a 2003 swimming pool negligence case.

The London-based insurer alleges that lawyers from the two firms committed a variety of blunders and oversights in representing the defendant building owner, which carried a $1 million liability policy from Lloyd's.

"Blunders and oversights" indeed. Gory details here from the Miami Daily Business Review via Law.com.