4th Circuit Asks for Clarification in Moussaoui Case

An appeals court panel is asking prosecutors in the case of Zacarias Moussaoui whether government officials had broader access to top al Qaeda detainees in U.S. custody than previously understood.

If that is so, the judges want the prosecution to clarify whether Moussaoui, the only person charged in this country in connection with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, should be allowed to question those witnesses in writing . . . .

[A]t issue are the government's revelations in a letter to the court this week that prosecutors have been "privy" to the interrogation process in a more active way than previously disclosed. Instead of passive reviewers of the military's interrogation notes, prosecutors conceded they have suggested lines of inquiry for the detainees, a privilege Moussaoui has been denied.

The government said: "The information contained in the letter is arguably inconsistent with statements previously made to the court." In other words, they were lying? Details here from CNN's Law Center.