The Bush Administration Lies

I try to avoid injecting much opinion or politics into this weblog, but I feel a civic duty here.

All politicians spin and selectively recite the facts that favor them -- it's the nature of the beast.

But I'm increasingly convinced that the Bush administration takes it a notch further, and just flat out lies. I'm convinced that they have repeatedly decided "let's do plan A," and then come out and told the press and public that "we're doing plan B" when the two plans are diametrically opposed. That's brazen. That's unacceptable.

I'm increasingly convinced that the core of this administration has a radical "neo-con" agenda that they are systematically carrying out while knowingly lying about what they are doing because they know the American people would be outraged if they understood what the administration was really doing.

Just two examples:

Donald Rumsfeld was recently (3/14/04) caught red-handed on CBS's "Face The Nation" lying about earlier lies he had told about Iraq. Read all about it here.

And Congressman Henry A. Waxman has compiled a report and database of the lies that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice told to the American public and the world to get us to go to war in Iraq. It makes compelling reading and speaks for itself. You can see for yourself here.

I think the American people are beginning to wake up and notice all of this. I hope so. And I hope the mainstream, non-partisan press lends a hand.