Fred Korematsu, an American Citizen imprisoned in a Utah internment camp during the Second World War, received the presidential medal of freedom in 1998 from President Clinton for eventually and successfully resisting the flagrantly unconstitutional imprisonment . . . .
[N]ow, at the age of 84, Fred Korematsu continues to protest against a president, George W. Bush, who also holds both American citizens and noncitizens in legal black holes without the most basic civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.
Korematsu has authorized an amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the United States, in his name, on behalf of American citizen Yaser Hamdi, designated an "enemy combatant" by President Bush and held for two years in an American navy brig without guaranteed Sixth Amendment access to a lawyer, and without any prospect of a trial at which he can defend himself. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld maintains that Hamdi can be held in this legal black hole for "the duration of hostilities," and that could take generations.
Fred Korematsu's message to the Supreme Court is also on behalf of non-American citizens imprisoned at Guant�namo Bay�Khaled A.F. Al Odah et al. and Shafiq Rasul et al.
Details here from Nat Hentoff of the Village Voice.