Citing Prop. 64, Firms Seek to Kill Lawsuits

Corporations are trying to kill a raft of lawsuits filed under California's Unfair Competition Law, claiming that the suits were invalidated when voters approved Proposition 64 last month.

The ballot measure made it harder for businesses to be sued over deceptive advertising and other fraudulent practices under the law, which corporate interests have long attacked as an invitation for unscrupulous attorneys to file so-called shakedown lawsuits against businesses.

Since election day, DaimlerChrysler, Mercury General Corp., Kwikset Corp. and other companies have asked state judges to dismiss at least a dozen pending unfair-competition cases. More challenges are expected. . . .

[O]pponents of Proposition 64 � mainly environmental and consumer rights activists � accuse business of pulling a bait-and-switch with voters by trying to apply the amended law retroactively.

Details here from the Los Angeles Times.