Judge Not for Sale, Despite eBay Listing

NEW YORK (AP) - A Manhattan housing court judge said he was not amused by an advertisement on eBay that listed him for sale - with worldwide shipping included - posted by a disgruntled litigant.

The ad criticized Judge Jerald R. Klein for the way he dispensed justice and showed a photograph of him smiling, seated in the courtroom. It drew 6,400 [views] and 21 bidders over four days. . . .

[A]fter eBay was made aware of the listing, it took the posting down, citing a number of rules that it said the ad violated, including misleading description, unauthorized use of a photo and unauthorized use of a name.

The ad, entitled "Judge for Sale," was posted last Wednesday by Janet Schoenberg, a disgruntled litigant in a landlord-tenant dispute in New York City Civil Court who said Klein was mishandling the case and that she had exhausted other ways of drawing attention to her case. . . .

[A]fter four days on eBay, the best offer for the judge was $127.50.

Details here from the AP via Findlaw.com.