When it comes to picking the next U.S. Supreme Court justice, the safe thing would be to put $100 on 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig. But if you really want to make some money, go with the long shot, the 9th Circuit's Alex Kozinski.
Both men are among the candidates listed at Betcom.com, an online betting site based in Costa Rica. The site, which sports a model dressed in an American flag-print bikini, lets people wager on everything from football scores to whether Bill and Hillary Clinton will get a divorce.
You can also bet on who'll be the next Chief Justice, or on what country Osama Bin Laden will be killed or captured in. More of the article above here from The Recorder via Law.com. Or go lose the rent money at betcom.com. (I am not endorsing betcom.com. In fact, I strongly recommend that you refrain from gambling entirely.)