Monday's broadcast of the PBS program "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" contained a segment described as follows: "The current U.S. Supreme Court is increasingly being called the 'O'Connor Court' because of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's tie-breaking swing votes. Legal experts discuss the first woman justice's pivotal role on the nation's top court." Those who participated in the segment were Douglas Kmiec of Pepperdine University Law School; Nancy Maveety, professor of political science at Tulane University, author of "Sandra Day O'Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court"; Kathleen Sullivan, dean of Stanford Law School; and John Yoo of Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley.
You can read a transcript of the segment here; the audio is available here (Real Player required).
Borrowed verbatim from How Appealing. Thanks, Howard!