ACLU Supporting Rush Limbaugh

PALM BEACH, FL - In a motion filed today, the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida said state law enforcement officers violated Rush Limbaugh�s privacy rights by seizing the conservative radio talk show host's medical records as part of a criminal investigation involving alleged �doctor-shopping.�

�While this case involves the right of Rush Limbaugh to maintain the privacy of his medical records, the precedent set in this case will impact the security of medical records and the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship of every person in Florida,� said Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida.

The ACLU�s request to submit a �friend-of-the-court� brief on behalf of Limbaugh was filed today with the Fourth District Court of Appeal. The ACLU said in its motion that the state infringed on Florida�s constitutional right to privacy when it failed to follow well-established protocol, mandated by law, when confiscating Limbaugh�s medical files. The organization stated that its interest in the case was �to vindicate every Floridian�s fundamental right to privacy by ensuring that the state be required to comply� with the law.

That's from the ACLU's press release, which is here. And here's a news article entitled "Strange Bedfellows? ACLU Supports Rush Limbaugh."