I don't want to get off on a rant here, but:
TalkLeft has the meat of the story of the federal prosecution of Tommy Chong (half of the comedy duo "Cheech & Chong") for selling smoking paraphernalia on the internet here. We need to stop John Ashcroft before it is too late. The man is a demented religious zealot who would gladly burn the Bill of Rights and replace it with the Ten Commandments and the book of Tribulation if he could. And he's the top judicial officer in the executive branch . . . .
I don't know whether Mr. Chong smokes cigarettes (packs of which are used as currency in prisons), but a friend of mine, upon hearing of Chong's pending incarceration, said "I'm going to send him a carton of cigarettes." I think we all should. Or books. Or subscriptions to periodicals. Or something.
[As for Mr. Ashcroft, why on earth did he feel the need to cover the one exposed breast on the statue of Justice at the Justice Department? Was he afraid that it might induce masturbation or something? The bronze breast he ordered covered didn't even have a nipple. Yet I'd be willing to bet that Mr. Ashcroft has masturbated more than once while fantasizing about that "nasty, forbidden" bronze breast that he ordered hidden. He might be doing it right now.
The man is quite demented, and very, very dangerous. We should worry about him.]