Man Goes to Court Over Nudity and Free Speech

A judge in Grand Rapids will soon decide whether Tim Huffman had the right to tell jokes on TV -- using a dressed-up human penis.

What started as a misdemeanor criminal case three years ago has grown into a battle over constitutional rights.

Prosecutors say Huffman's performance was a simple violation of the state'sindecent exposure law. . . .

[H]uffman's troubles began in April 2000 after he produced a video skit on late-night public access TV that showed a closeup of a penis -- with a face drawn on it -- and testicles. A narrator told jokes, including, "I was in the Army . . . I didn't do much . . . I just hung around."

If I'm not mistaken, think Mr. Huffman stole that idea from the 1970s movie The Groove Tube. The full report is here from The Detroit Free Press. (via How Appealing)