British Firm Ups Hours, Angering Associates

To date, British lawyers have resisted the temptation and have not ruined their own lives with outrageous billable hours expectations, as American firms have done. Looks like that's changing:

Magic circle firm faces stiff opposition as associates round on plans to increase recordable hours

Allen & Overy (A&O) is facing a battle to win its associates over to a new time recording regime that will push lawyers to record a minimum of 2,200 'office' hours.

In an initiative to be rolled out across the firm, all associates and partners will be set personal hourly plans for the first time.

A&O's associate chargeable hour targets - between 1,600 and 1,700 hours - are not the highest in the City, but A&O has fuelled disquiet among its associates by setting new targets of a further 500-600 recorded hours, predominantly on activities of "high value to the business".

The UK's The has details here.