Online Surveillance Among Spouses Grows

Suspicious husbands and wives who once might have hired a private eye to find out if their spouses were cheating are now using do-it-yourself technology to check on an increasingly popular hideaway for trysts - the Internet.

Divorce lawyers and marriage counselors say Internet-abetted infidelity, romance originating in chat rooms and fueled by e-mails, is now one of the leading factors in marital breakdowns . . . .

[Divorce lawyer John] Mayoue said federal statutes outlawing interception of electronic communications can apply within a marriage.

"A spouse does have a right to privacy even from his or her own spouse," he said. "I've been on both sides of this - it's the most compelling evidence you'll have in a divorce case, but also the most fraught with potential liability."

Looks like it might be a bad time to open a traditional PI business. Read all about it here from the AP via FindLaw.