Ashcroft's Folly: How the attorney general lost the Moussaoui trial before it began

Dahlia Lithwick is back with this article from Slate:

From the get-go, the trial of so-called "20th hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui has been hamstrung by a Justice Department that seemingly wanted one prosecution to serve half a dozen irreconcilable ends. With a single deft trial, Attorney General John Ashcroft had hoped to avenge the evil of Sept. 11 for all Americans, while showcasing the even-handedness of the American justice system for the rest of the world. He wanted to soothe us with proven legal truths: He did it, and he paid for it with his life. And Ashcroft thought he could demonstrate to terrorists everywhere that transparency and due process would triumph over theocracy and prejudice. But as this prosecution unravels, indecision on the part of the Justice Department reveals nothing less than the government's own lack of faith in the courts.

Welcome back, Dahlia! I hope you are enjoying the Wee Bald Stranger! (via How Appealing)