"Judge Narrows Charges Against Lynne Stewart"

Defense lawyer Lynne Stewart scored a victory Monday when a federal judge dismissed charges that she provided material support to a terrorist group. Southern District Judge John G. Koeltl agreed with defense lawyers that the federal statute forbidding the provision of material support or resources to a designated terrorist group, 18. U.S.C. �2339B, was unconstitutionally vague as applied to Stewart and her co-defendants. . . .

[S]tewart and three others were charged with helping convicted terrorist conspirator Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman maintain contact with the outlaw terror organization Islamic Group from behind the bars of a federal prison. Stewart had represented Sheikh Abdel Rahman at his 1995 trial for seditious conspiracy to commit terror attacks in New York City, and continued to visit him after he was incarcerated.

I found this article from Law.com to be a relief, as I never thought Stewart should have been charged for representing her client in the first place. UPDATE: Read more coverage from the AP here. UPDATE: The NYT now weighs in here.