A Broken Body, a Broken Story, Pieced Together

Want to know what really happened to Private Jessica Lynch, the now-famous American POW "rescued" from an Iraqi hospital? Chances are, you never will. It's not clear that anyone ever will.

But in this exhaustive investigative piece, The Washington Post suggests that her injuries were most likely sustained in a car crash during an ambush, and may not have resulted from deliberate abuse at the hands of Iraqi combatants. In fact, it seems that Iraqi civilians probably did their utmost to care for her under the circumstances, and almost certainly saved her life. And other parts of the story we've all been told appear to be dubious, if not outright fabrications.

The main thing I distilled from The Post's story is a sense of the utter confusion and chaos of combat. Particularly the sporadic and random combat that occurred throughout Iraq in the early days of the "war." It's a good report, and worth the read.

(UPDATE: Looks like TalkLeft beat me to the punch on dissecting (blawgsecting?) the WashPost's article.)