This is not good news:
Maryland's top federal prosecutor vowed today to track down those responsible for the death of a prosecutor whose body was found stabbed and shot in Pennsylvania on the same day he was to conclude a drug case against a rap musician.
The body of Jonathan Luna was found in Lancaster County, Pa., said U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles Jr., before whom the prosecutor was to appear today.
"At this time the evidence indicates that he was murdered," U.S. Attorney Thomas DiBiagio said.
The trial he was about to conclude included accusations "of heroin distribution and running a violent drug ring in part from [defendants'] Stash House Records studio in Baltimore." But yesterday the defendants reached plea agreements in the midst of trial. Luna was supposed to be in court this morning to enter the agreements, but didn't show up.
He had prosecuted several other high-profile cases in the past. Federal law enforcement officers from John Ashcroft on down vow to find those responsible. More here from the AP.
UPDATE: Sources now say Luna may have been to this part of Pennsylvania before, that he had no work-related reason to be there, that he had a credit card his wife didn't know about, and that he may have frequented Web sites where people advertise for female sex partners, the AP reports here.