This guy has to be the worst lawyer ever:
Marietta, Ga., attorney Don C. Huprich was having a bad day. In a letter he faxed to DeKalb Superior Court Judge Linda W. Hunter on Sept. 15, he informed the judge that he had failed to appear at a trial scheduled that morning because, "Due to a lack of sleep last night, I almost caused one traffic accident in the rush hour traffic headed downtown. � I decided it was not safe for others or me to drive in rush hour traffic and got off the interstate by Cumberland Mall and returned home."
The decision to return home cost Huprich $5 million. Just over an hour before he sent his written apology to Hunter, a DeKalb jury issued the $5 million damages verdict against him in a case brought by two former clients.
After the jury found that Huprich and his firm, Huprich & Associates, "had committed fraud in their representation of the plaintiffs in this case," Hunter entered a judgment against Huprich and his firm "because of malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud and bad faith" in DiNino v. Huprich.
Dennis J. Webb, a partner at Webb, Zschunke, Neary & Dikeman, represented Huprich's former clients -- Meishelle Haverkamp and Gerald DiNino of Seattle, Wash. -- in the malpractice case. Huprich defended himself.
The descriptions of what this guy did (and didn't do) in both the malpractice case against him and the underlying case in which he committed malpractice defy belief. The Fulton County Daily Report has the details here via