A San Francisco judge dismissed a claim Monday by a North Beach resident who said the early-morning bell-ringing from a nearby Catholic Church during a Sept. 11 ceremony disturbed his sleep and prevented him from commemorating the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in a quiet way.
Ruling in small claims court, Judge William O'Connor said Alan Coe lacked standing in state court to file a claim that SS Peter and Paul violated San Francisco's noise ordinance. Even if he had standing, O'Connor said, Coe didn't meet the burden of proof for winning his small claims case.
Nevertheless, the judge praised Coe's effort and encouraged him to contact an attorney and pursue the case in civil court.
But Coe says he's finished -- having spent over $1,000 on his attempt. He says a memorial bell ringing beginning at 5:48 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2002 put him over the top. Details here from the San Francisco Chronicle.