State Attorney Fined For Writing On Job

[A Boston] attorney who prosecutes other lawyers for professional misconduct was fined $5,000 by the state Ethics Commission yesterday for writing mystery novels during office hours and using subordinates to help him publish the books.

The commission also ordered Board of Bar Overseers general counsel Michael Fredrickson to pay a $5,000 civil forfeiture to reimburse the board for the time and office resources he used in writing two novels, "Witness for the Dead" and "A Cinderella Affidavit."

That's pretty funny -- or sad, depending on how you look at it. The Daily News Transcript has the story here. For what it's worth: "Both books are set in Boston and earned rave reviews from the likes of Jonathan Harr, author of 'A Civil Action'; Barry Reed, who wrote 'The Verdict'; and Rikki Klieman of Court TV." (via How Appealing)