
Scalia did not rub elbows with ted nugent last night

Could have been an interesting meeting, but Scalia once again skipped the State of the Union Address.

WASHINGTON -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia criticized the annual State of the Union ritual Tuesday night, calling the presidential speech something worth skipping because it is a "rather silly affair."

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Scalia, the Supreme Court's senior member and a Ronald Reagan appointee, noted that it's not uncommon for justices to skip the event. William Rehnquist often did not attend toward the end of his tenure as chief justice, he said, and former associate justice John Paul Stevens never showed up. Scalia confirmed he has not attended since 1997.

Source: Scalia: State of the Union 'a childish spectacle'

Read the link to find out what kind of gun Scalia fondly remembers carrying on the New York Subway.