I've recently launched the Asbestos Legal Journal. It is a blog about asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits written from the perspective of a plaintiffs' lawyer. I'll be blogging about my day-to-day experiences working on asbestos lawsuits, as well as detailing the history of asbestos litigation. I'm particularly excited to have a place where I can share the thousands of damning documents that show just how little asbestos companies cared about the people they killed.
I'm also going to be creating a very detailed timeline of asbestos that dates all the way back to ancient Rome. The timeline will be complete with citations to scholarly articles and other resources to back up any allegations I make. The story of asbestos hasn't yet been properly told on the web, and I hope to change that.
If you've got any questions about asbestos, mesothelioma, or lawsuits relating to either of those, feel free to contact me.