The Mirena Birth Control Device

Mirena® is an intrauterine device (IUD) that the FDA approved on December 6th, 2000.  It is a small piece of plastic depicted in the picture to the left.  The Mirena releases enough of the hormone levonorgestrel.  That hormone prevents pregnancy. Mirena is effective for about five years.  Once it expires, i has to be removed.

Mirena is used by more than 2 million women in the United States, and about 15 million worldwide.  Mirena is generally marketed towards women who have already had at least one child and are confident they do not want another for several years.

Mirena, like most IUD's, is very effective at preventing a woman from becoming pregnant.  But inlike most IUD's, Mirena can move out of place after it has been implanted.The medical term for this is migration, and Mirena lawyer Justinian Lane is accepting cases from women whose Mirena has migrated.

A migrated Mirena device can cause very serious injuries, including puncturing the uterus, colon, bladder, or other internal organs.  The medical term for such a puncture is called a perforation.  A woman with a perforated uterus or other organ is at risk of infection, sterility, and even death.  A woman need not suffer from a punctured uterus in order to be eligible to file a Mirena lawsuit or receive a Mirena settlement.

Mirena Lawsuits and Settlements

Mirena lawsuits have been filed across the country by women whose Mirena has migrated out of place.  Some of those women suffered from perforated organs.  Others have suffered less-serious side effects, like pain, cramping, and bleeding.  At this point, it would appear that any woman whose Mirena migrated out of place may be eligible to file a Mirena lawsuit or receive a Mirena settlement. 

Mirena Migration Lawsuits

One of the most serious Mirena side effects is that of migration – when the Mirena device moves out of place after being implanted.  Although Bayer  (the manufacturer of Mirena) suggests that migration is rare, medical evidence contradicts that claim.  The medical journal Radiographics published a study in April of 2012 that characterized migration as a “frequently encountered complication” of Mirena usage.

Bayer has a legal obligation to adequately warn Mirena users of the risks of using the device.  If Bayer downplayed or understated the risks of using Mirena, it may be liable to women who used Mirena and suffered an injury.

Mirena and Uterine Perforation

All IUD devices carry with them some risk of uterine perforation.  But the Journal of Medical Case Reports published a study in 2009 which stated that Mirena is three times as likely to perforate a uterus than other IUD devices.   For this reason alone, women who suffered from a perforated uterus while using Mirena may be eligible for a substantial settlement in a Mirena lawsuit.

More Information on Mirena

Mirena attorney Justinian Lane is available to speak to any woman who had her Mirena removed due to migration, regardless of whether she suffered from any perforated organs.  He can be reached via e-mail at, or via telephone at 888-315-3997.