Texas DePuy Hip Lawyer

Austin DePuy Hip Replacement Lawyer

Many individuals in Austin, Texas have received DePuy hip replacements.  If you are one of them, you might want to consider speaking with a DePuy hip replacement attorney such as me.  Evidence shows that DePuy knew that their metal-on-metal design of the ASR hip was defective for some time before DePuy made the choice to recall the hip.

Anyone who received this hip may have a valuable personal injury claim.  This is especially true if the person has already had their defective hip replaced.

One of the questions to ask a DePuy hip replacement attorney is whether or not you should join in the DePuy hip class action lawsuit.  I'd be happy to answer that and any other questions you might have if you contact me.

Washington DePuy Hip Lawyer

Seattle DePuy Hip Replacement Lawyer

If you are in the Seattle area and believe you may have received a DePuy ASR or ASR XL hip replacment system, I may be able to help you with a hip replacement lawsuit against DePuy.  Evidence is mounting that DePuy had warning about the dangerous design of the ASR hip prior to when the hip was recalled.

Many hip replacment lawsuits have already been filed, including a DePuy class action lawsuit.  If you would like my advice about whether to join in a class action lawsuit or file your own lawsuit, please feel free to contact me.  I welcome the opportunity to help you.

I can also help you if you live outside of the Seattle area and are looking for a DePuy lawyer.  Again, contact me at your convenience and I'll do my best to help you.